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[未知题]The attitudinal and emotional factors can be expressed in an item of vocabulary. These are often referred to as().的答案是什么?
[未知题]The attitudinal and emotional factors can be expressed in an item of vocabulary. These are often referred to as().
参考答案: connotation or affective meaning
Many factor both a
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() management include negotiating the term and condition in contract and enuring compliance with. the term and condition, a well a documenting and agreeing on any change or amendment that may arie during it implementation or execution.
management include negotiating the term and condition in contract and enuring compliance with the term and condition,a well a documenting and agreeing on any change or amendment that may arie during it implementation or execution
Pereverance,modety and opportunity are the__factor for the girl’ ucce in her career.
The two factor which make underwater hull repair difficult are acceibility and the().
The attitudinal and emotional factor can be expreed in an item of vocabulary. Thee are often referred to a().
The quantity or condition which i meaured and controlled i known a the ()
Fuel oil i thought to be one of the main factor () the operation and maintenance of an engine.
The ame factor puh wage and price up together, the one()the other.
传统教学论和现代教学论对体育教学理论发展都产生了重要影响,而现代教学论更主张和强调( )。
Many factor both at home and abroad _____ the bankruptcy of the multinational corporation.
()i the ditance eat or wet meaured in degree,minute and econd of arc on the equator between the prime meridian and the meridian paing through the place.